In Macarthur News
Great Opportunity for Young Musos!
Posted: Wednesday, 27 January 2010, 10:07 AM
Two Master Class/Workshops will be held by Classics at Picton in the next two weeks. These workshops are open to all young musicians, are totally free and are the first steps in Classics' commitment to encourage young people and to help to give them great musical experiences.
On Saturday 6 February a band workshop will be held at Picton High School Hall on Saturday 6 February, starting at 9.00am. The tutors will be Paul Goodchild (brass), and Christopher Tingay (woodwind), both with Sydney Symphony and inspirational Greg Costello who has great experience with primary schools music programs. All coming can register on arrival and be ready for the first workshop starting at 9.30. They will need to bring something for their own morning tea and lunch, and their instrument. Drinks will be available (no charge). There will be two full workshop sessions and parents, friends and members of the community are welcome to attend a performance at 3.00 pm.
The previous Saturday, 30 January, there is a workshop for string players. It will be held in the Uniting Church buildings in Lumsdaine Street Picton, also starting at 9.00am, following the same format and arrangements. The tutors will be John Ockwell and Zoe Bloomfield who do brilliant work with Sydney Youth Orchestra. Parents will need to deliver the students to the hall and pick them up afterwards.
Enquiries: Kate Spicer (Organiser) 46772453
John List, Convener of Classics at Picton 46771331
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