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OK Democracy, We Need To Talk

Date: Monday, 1 July 2019
Time: 10:00 AM

Contact Details

Name: Campbelltown Arts Centre
Phone: 02 4645 4100
Website: http://c-a-c.com.au/


In contemporary times, traditional values and perspectives of democracy are continually being challenged and questioned. OK Democracy, We Need to Talk at Campbelltown Arts Centre is a conversation and a provocation that suggests an ambition for change through the exploration of how democracy is performed in its current state. Featuring 12 newly commissioned works by 10 artists, the exhibition explores themes surrounding identity politics, environmental politics, political structures, economies of labor, currency and nationalism. Reflecting on the current state of democracy in Australia and around the world, the exhibition presents an open discussion about democracy and its future – or potentially – its demise.

Artists include: Richard Bell, Louisa Bufardeci, Kuba Dorabialski, Deborah Kelly, Eugenia Lim, Make or Break, Eugenia Raskopoulos, Sarah Rodigari, Abdullah MI Syed and Lara Thoms.

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